Published by:
Bayer CropScience Limited (Corporate Communications)
Represented by the Board of Directors:
Dr. Vijay Mallya               -  (Non-Executive Independent Chairman)
Mr. S. Gerlich*                 -  (Vice Chairman & Managing Director)
Mr. S. M. Kulkarni           -  (Non-Executive Independent Director)
Mr. A. K. R Nedungadi  -  (Non-Executive Independent Director)
Mr. Peter Mueller*          -  (Non-Executive Director)
Mr. Tobias Marchand     -  (Non-Executive Director)
Mr. Vimal Bhandari        -  (Non-Executive Independent Director)
Mr. Kaikobad Mistry*     -  (Wholetime Director-Executive)

* Represent the Promoter Group

Bayer House,
Central Avenue
Hiranandani Gardens, Powai
Mumbai 400 076
Maharashtra, India
Phone: +91-(0)22-2571 1234

Entry in the Registrar of Companies, Maharashtra
CIN Number for Bayer CropScience Limited: L24210MH1958PLC011173
Permanent Account Number (PAN) for Bayer CropScience Limited: AAACB9651K

Edited by:
Bayer CropScience Limited
Corporate Communications
Bayer House,
Central Avenue
Hiranandani Gardens, Powai
Mumbai 400 076
Maharashtra, India
Phone: +91-(0)22-2571 1234